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Радиационный контроль территории нефтедобывающих предприятий

Номер проекта AP15573662
Наименование проекта Радиационный контроль территории нефтедобывающих предприятий
Заявитель Медицинский университет Астана
Грантополучатель Медицинский университет Астана
Срок реализации 2022-2024 гг.
Место реализации (город/область) г. Астана
Отрасль Нефтегазохимическая отрасль
Статус реализации в реализации
Цель проекта Обеспечение радиационной безопасности работников нефтегазодобывающих предприятий  в пределах допустимых дозовых значений и производственных уровней радиационных факторов
Описание проекта The project “Radiation monitoring of the territory of oil and gas producing enterprises” proposes to conduct organizational, radiation research, exhibition, seminar work for familiarization and conclusion of agreements on the necessary industrial radiation monitoring.

The industrial radiation monitoring proposed by the Institute is as follows:

– conducting industrial radiation monitoring at workplaces (measurement of gamma radiation DER, radon EEVA, volumetric activity of long-lived alpha active radionuclides, flux density of alpha and beta particles, radioactive contamination of workplace surfaces, activity of radionuclide contamination in personal protective equipment);

– assessment of the radiation situation of the territory outside the sanitary protection zone of enterprises using DKS-96, RKS-01-SOLO, Ramon-02a, the Gamma-Sensor automobile laboratory with reference to the geographic coordinates of the area;

– entering and processing the results of the field expedition team using a portable laptop with a USB modem in the information database, which is located at the Institute of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (Nur-Sultan);

– analysis of the obtained results of the radiation situation and measures to reduce the radiation risk.

The proposed result of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activity solves the business problem.

The implementation of targeted measures for radiation control and reduction of exposure to the lowest possible level will contribute to solving the problems of maintaining and improving the health of workers in oil and gas companies and developing human labor resources that contribute to the development of the economy of the enterprise and the country.

The demand for the developed methodology lies in the fact that the radiation situation in the country’s oil-producing enterprises (more than 100) has not been studied and, accordingly, the necessary radiation monitoring is not carried out in most of them. The levels of radiation contamination and the probable individual dose at workplaces differ depending on the content of radionuclides in the produced oil. Conducting industrial radiation monitoring will reduce the radiation risk and ensure the radiation safety of workers at oil producing enterprises.

Перечень реализуемой продукции с указанием цены Оказание услуг по радиационному контролю территории нефтедобывающих предприятий
Команда проекта (ФИО) Казымбет Полат Казымбетулы
Бахтин Мейрат Мухамедкаримович
Кашкинбаев Ерлан Турсынбайулы
Иса Жантөре Қонысұлы
Кушербаев Нурсултан Муратович