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Complex biological products

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Research Institute of Biology and Biotechnology Problems“Development of complex biologics based on producers of biologically active components and biotoxins that ensure soil fertility, protection against pathogens and high plant productivity “(IRN AP05135262)Complex biologicsHighThere are no analoguesAgriculture, environmental biotechnologyBoguspaev K. K., STS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, scientific supervisor’s work experience – 40 years.Bodys.+ 7 – 701 – 741 – 9085, kboguspayev@yandex.kzFaleev D. G., VNS, Ph. D., research experience – 22 g. Mukhataeva K. A., SNS, Ph. D., research experience-25 g. Faleev E. G., MNS, Master, research experience-5 l., Nusupov A. A., intern-researcher, PhD doctoral student, experience R & D – 1 g., Kanalbek G., research intern, PhD doctoral student, research experience-4 g., Akilbekova A., research intern, bachelor, research experience-5 l.Reduce the use of harmful chemical fertilizers.Getting eco-friendly products