Name of the scientific organization | Name of the research project | Name of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercialize | Scientific novelty of research | Degree of research novelty | Branch | Full name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisor | Contacts | Project Team | What commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization? |
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University | Innovative approach to co-processing of solid and liquid waste into adsorbents for wastewater treatment | Production of activated carbon for wastewater treatment | The main line of research is aimed at developing an innovative technology for the joint processing of low – grade solid and liquid organic waste in order to obtain secondary environmentally friendly useful products-carbon adsorbents aimed at their further reuse for industrial wastewater treatment from heavy metals and organic substances. | improvement of consumer characteristics in comparison with domestic analogues | Chemical technology | Appazov Nurbol Orynbasaruly, Chief Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor. Experience of 17 years | 870546463914, | 1. Nurgali Ikramovich Akylbekov, Head of the Laboratory, PhD. Work experience of 7 years 2. Zhapparbergenov Rakhmetulla Umirbekovich, research associate. 7 years of work experience 3. Bazarbayev Baurat Malikuly, engineer, 4 years of work experience | no |