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Capillary viscometers

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State UniversityEstablishing and determining the relationship between the viscosity of water and the concentration of substances dissolved in oilCapillary viscometersEstablish by experiment the relationship between the viscosity of water and the total amount of solids dissolved in water or the concentration of substances dissolved in water for the produced associated water.Improvement of consumer characteristics in comparison with world analogues; improvement of consumer characteristics in comparison with domestic analoguesOil industryСейтмуратов Ангысын Жасаралович,ассоц.Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 01-02-04 (Mechanics of deformable solid), work experience 32 years.77079641564 angisin_@mail.ru1. Makhambayeva I. Ph. D.-25 2. Myrzaev R-25 Kayynbayeva L. S.-20, Tileubai S-32