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Preservation of the valuable gene pool of the Yassawi IKTU Botanical Garden through the commercial development of bioresources based on innovative technologies

Project number AP15573823
Name of the project Preservation of the valuable gene pool of the Yassawi IKTU Botanical Garden through the commercial development of bioresources based on innovative technologies
Applicant Akhmet Yassawi  International Kazakh-Turkish University
Grantee Akhmet Yassawi  International Kazakh-Turkish University
Private Partner
Implementation period 2022-2024
Place of sale (city/region) Turkestan region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Preservation of valuable gene pool of fruit and ornamental crops through commercial development of biological resources of the Yassawi  International Kazakh-Turkish University is based on innovative production, processing and storage technologies.
Project Description 1. For the first time in Kazakhstan, a technology will be applied that allows preserving the valuable gene pool of fruit and ornamental crops through the commercial development of their bioresources obtained in the process of care work.                                                  2. The implementation of the project idea will allow producing and implementing an environmentally friendly fruit crop.                                                    3. Innovative technologies of fruit storage and processing will eliminate natural losses, and the products obtained as a result of the introduction of scientifically-based technology for drying fruits and berries will contribute to the import substitution of dried fruits in the whole country.                                          4. Introduction of technology for the production, packaging and sale of chips of fruit and tree crops.
List of products sold with prices 1. Fresh apple fruits, kg -200 tenge                                                         2. Fresh pear fruits, kg – 200 tenge                                                          3. Fresh apricot fruits, kg-300 tenge                                                        4. Dried apples, kg – 1000 tenge                                                         5. Dried pears, kg-1000 tenge                  6. Dried apricots (dried apricots), kg – 3000 tenge                                                         7. Apple seedlings, pcs – 800 tenge                                                         8. Wood chips, cubic meters – 150,000 tenge
Project team (full name) Apushev Amangeldy
Toyjigitova Bayan
Yusupov Bahadir
Salybekova Nurdana
Mamadaliev Anvar