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Organization of production and sale of multifunctional fungicidal compositions based on methylene derivatives of urea and microbial fertilizers

Project number АР15573726
Name of the project Organization of production and sale of multifunctional fungicidal compositions based on methylene derivatives of urea and microbial fertilizers
Applicant “Ana Zher” scientific and production association LLP
Grantee “Ana Zher” scientific and production association LLP
Private Partner
Implementation period 2022-25 y.
Place of sale (city/region) Shymkent
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Establishment of the production of fungicidal preparations designed to combat diseases of cultivated plants, as well as the organization of the sale of preparations to agricultural producers.
Project Description A distinctive feature of the proposed fungicidal preparation is its active ingredients based on a new class of double compounds, which simultaneously have fungicidal properties that stimulate the growth and development of plants, which simultaneously provides a solution to issues of plant protection and nutrition. In the market of Kazakhstan, all fungicidal preparations are imported. The creation of the production of a domestic fungicide will make it available to agricultural producers.
Website in the implementation
List of products sold with prices Seed disinfectant “Sunkar-M”, 4500 tenge/liter
Project team (full name) Usmanov S., Makhmudov R.U., Kalmenova G.A., Usmanov H.S., Usmanov A.S.