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Manufacturing of solar modules based on heterostructural solar cells

Project number AP15573872
Name of the project Manufacturing of solar modules based on heterostructural solar cells
Applicant Institute of Physics and Technology LLP
Applicant Institute of Physics and Technology LLP
Private Partner
Implementation period 2022-2024
Place of sale (city/region) Almaty
Industry Ecology
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project 1. Making a profit and ensure the payback of the project.
2. Occupation of a dominant position in the market.
3. Creation of a full cycle of solar panels production
Project Description Commissioning of industrial equipment for the assembly of solar modules and metallization of photocells. Launch of an industrial line for the assembly of solar modules.
Website In development
List of products sold with prices The project involves the production of solar panels. Forecast unit cost of production – 58,000 tenge, excluding VAT;
Forecast unit price – 100,000 tenge, excluding VAT;
The planned average annual volume of production in physical terms is 24,960 modules per year with the production line operating in one shift per day.
Project team (full name) Chuchvaga Nikolay Aimaganbetov Kazybek Zholdybayev Kairat Kantarbayeva Dinara Bakbergenov Almas