Mobile lyophilization unit

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Research Institute of Biology and Biotechnology ProblemsDEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGHLY EFFICIENT PROCESSING OF FRUIT AND BERRY PRODUCTS BY LYOPHILIZATION METHOD 0120RKI0015Mobile lyophilization unitThe novelty of the Project is the localization of freeze-drying technology and the creation of a mobile plant for processing fruit and berry products directly in the area of harvestingImport-substituting technology and import-substituting products. Currently, Kazakhstan does not produce freeze-drying plants and does not produce freeze-dried fruit and berry products65.53.33 Food industry, canning, vegetable drying and food concentrate industry, production of dried vegetables and fruitsIhsanov Yerbol Saginovich, PhD, SNS, Head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Chemistry of Medicinal Substances, 9 years of work experience87775166526, erbol.ih@gmail.com1. Tokpayev Rustam Rishatovich, PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Sorption and Catalytic Processes, VNS. Work experience: 11 years. Specialist in commercialization projects, has experience in organizing three successful productions within the framework of RNNTD and World Bank commercialization projects. 2. G. K. Kusalina, specialist in commercialization. Work experience: 38 years. She has experience in sales of innovative products of commercialization projects (2017-2021) 3. Anastasia S. Shevchenko, PhD, NS employee of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Chemistry of Medicinal Substances. Work experience: 9 years old. 4. Khavaza Tamina Narimanovna, PhD student, National Laboratory of Sorption and Catalytic Processes. Work experience: 5 years.Specialist in the field of high-pressure equipment. 5. Zair Tairovich Ibraimov, MNS of the Sorption and Catalytic Processes Laboratory. Specialist in the field of high-pressure equipment. Work experience: 3 years. 6. Sergey Soshin
Design engineer, specialist in high-pressure equipment and supercritical processes.
Hardware developer. Work experience: 20 years old.
The problem of constant financial expenses for preserving frozen products will be solved by replacing them with freeze-dried analogues. In addition, freeze-dried products have a lower mass, since water is removed from them