Technology of cultivation and production of parent forms of corn hybrids and sorghum varieties

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Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop ProductionBreeding of hybrids and varieties of corn and sorghum with high potential for grain yield and quality, primary seed production (State registration No. 0115RK02307)Technology of cultivation and production of parent forms of corn hybrids and sorghum varietiesFor the conditions of the south and south-east of Kazakhstan,adaptive hybrids of maize of integrated use (grain, silage) and with a high starch content in the grain were created for the first timeImprovement of consumer characteristics in comparison with domestic analoguesAgricultural industryOmarova A. Sh., leading researcher, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, specialist in cultivation technology, breeding and seed production, experience-43 yearscell phone 77054047355, e-mail Omarova_@mail.ruOmarova A. Sh., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, breeder, 43 years old seed breeder; Kudaibergenov M. S., Doctor of Biological Sciences, breeder, 40 years old; Abishev E. E., cultivation technology, 10 years old; Omarova A. A., quality technologist, 12 years old, Akhmetova N.E., biologist, 8 years old, Ermakhanov E. E., agronomy, 9 years old,Increases the yield and quality of seeds