Name of the scientific organization | Name of the research project | Name of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercialize | Scientific novelty of research | Degree of research novelty | Branch | Full name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisor | Contacts | Project Team | What commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization? |
West Kazakhstan Agricultural and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan | To develop scientifically-based solutions for optimal conditions for organizing irrigation of pastures in the West Kazakhstan region | Method of irrigation of pastures by an artificial water source | Irrigation of pastures by collecting surface water and using mineralized ground water | Low cost, improved consumer characteristics compared to their global counterparts | Agricultural industry | M. K. Onaev, Director of the Institute of Agrotechnology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, experience-more than 30 years | 87719114120, e-mail: | Shadyarov T. M., patent specialist, Master of Technical Sciences, experience-more than 20 years; Ozhanov G. S., Associate Professor of the Higher School “Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Land Use”, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, experience-more than 20 years; Denizbaev S. E., senior lecturer of the Higher School “Plant Production Technology”, Master of Agricultural Sciences, experience-more than 20 years | Fresh water reserves at the point of cattle breeding will increase |