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Hemolysin for RSC and RDSC in the diagnosis of infectious diseases of agricultural animals

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary InstituteThe project was initiated and not registeredHemolysin for RSCs and RDSCS in the diagnosis of infectious diseases in agriculture. AnimalsDry hemolytic serum is manufactured in accordance with GMP requirements.It has a high activity, stability of the results obtained, which will make it possible to reliably make a diagnosis when using it in serological reactions. Shelf life is 4 years.domestic products that are not inferior to their world counterparts, which will allow us to compete with the expensive foreign diagnostic products imported to our country so far.veterinary medicineSultanov A. A.-Chairman of the Management Board of KazNIVI LLP, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor. For more than 40 years, he has been engaged in epizootology, immunology, and the development of drugs against particularly dangerous animal diseases.87017300582, akhmetzhan.sultanov@gmail.com1. Sultanov A. A.-Chairman of the Management Board of KazNIVI LLP, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor. For more than 40 years, he has been engaged in epizootology, immunology, and the development of drugs against particularly dangerous animal diseases. 2. Baramova Sh. A. – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. She developed and offered veterinary laboratory practice diagnostic drugs for serological studies of animals for brucellosis in RNGA, PRA, KR with milk, RA, RDSK, which are introduced into veterinary practice. Work experience of more than 35 years. 3. Abutalip Aspen-Chief Researcher, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor. Deals with the development of diagnostic tools and prevention of brucellosis in animals. He knows the methods of classical microbiology, as well as the technology of production and control of biological products. More than 40 years of experience. 4. Ospanov Yerzhan Kalioldinovich-leading researcher, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. He is engaged in the manufacture and quality control of drugs, owns methods for designing diagnostic and preventive drugs and quality control of biologics. Work experience of more than 25 years. 5. Myrzaliev Akhan Zhakangerovich-Senior Researcher, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. He is engaged in the production and quality control of medicines, knows the methods of classical microbiology, as well as the technology of production and control of biologics. 6. Adambaeva A. A.-Head of the Department.laboratory of brucellosis, owns bacteriological and serological research methods for brucellosis. Work experience of more than 15 years. 7. Tusipkanuly O.-researcher, graduated from the master’s program of KazNAU. The main area of scientific activity is veterinary microbiology, epizootology, and biotechnology. Proficient in bacteriological and serological research methods for brucellosis. Work experience of more than 10 years. 8. Omarbek N.-junior researcher, knows bacteriological and serological methods of research in brucellosis.Work experience of more than 10 years.It will meet the need for hemolysin in veterinary diagnostic laboratories of the Republic of Kazakhstan and reduce the cost of its production.