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Complex mineral fertilizers

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
JSC ” Institute of Chemical Sciences n.a. Bekturov”Innovative production technology, agrochemical efficiency of new complex mineral and organomineral fertilizers containing microfertilizer MERC and microelements-Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn, B, Co, I No. 0110RK00380Creation of production and sale of finished productsThe results of physico-chemical, commodity, agrochemical, soil-microbiological technological studies were the scientific basis for the technology of obtaining enriched fertilizers, selecting equipment for individual stages of technology, determining the conditions for their storage, transportation and application to the soil, and the demand for agricultural producers by reducing the norm (for the first time in world practice, a breakthrough innovation) of their use.Improvement of consumer characteristics of food and plant products in comparison with world and domestic analogues. Preservation and reproduction of soil fertility, obtaining high, high-quality yields of agricultural crops while reducing the rate of mineral fertilizers 1.5-2 times in conditions of salinity of land, hot winds.Chemical industry, agricultureOmarova Gaukhar Tungushpaevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, work experience of 17
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1. Makhmudov Zhamalldin Usmanovich,
2. Makhmudov Kamaldin Usmanovich
3. Shynar Baibashchayeva, Junior Researcher,
4. Ramazanova Elzira Nuradilovna, research associate, 13 years old.
5. Tolkyn Balgyn, junior researcher, 11 years old.
6. Yesserkeeva Nazgul Nurkasymovna, Junior researcher, 1 year old
Full provision of agricultural enterprises with high-quality mineral fertilizers and food products for the population