Name of the scientific organization | Name of the research project | Name of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercialize | Scientific novelty of research | Degree of research novelty | Branch | Full name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisor | Contacts | Project Team | What commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization? |
Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute | Development and improvement of means of prevention and treatment of infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases of animals , state registration No. 0112 RK01518 | Associated vaccine against animal necrobacteriosis and hoof rot | For the first time, an associated vaccine is proposed with a scientifically-based selection of antigenic components that provide an adequate immunological effect for each of them, which makes it possible to prevent necrobacteriosis and hoof rot in various animal species | There are no analogues | veterinary medicine | Sushikh V. Yu. – Head of the Department. Department of epizootological monitoring and risk assessment of bacterial diseases of animals, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, 25 years of experience | 77773532869, E-mail: | 1. Sultanov A. A.-Chairman of the Board of KazNIVI LLP, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor. For more than 40 years, he has been engaged in epizootology, immunology, and the development of drugs against particularly dangerous animal diseases. 2. Gorelov Yu. M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Scientific Sciences, work experience 45 years; 3. Kanatov B. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, work experience 35 years; 4. Yusupov M. R. Head. laboratories of bacteriology, work experience of 5 years, 5.A. Rozyamov, laboratory assistant, 4 years of work experience | Economic losses will be reduced in farms that are dysfunctional according to these ifnections, namely: premature culling of young, highly productive animals, lack of young growth, loss of productivity, and significant costs for terpetic measures. |