Name of the scientific organization | Name of the research project | Name of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercialize | Scientific novelty of research | Degree of research novelty | Branch | Full name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisor | Contacts | Project Team | What commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization? |
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University | Development of technology for the preparation (processing) of organic aggregate-agricultural waste for the production of composite material – arbolite | Production of arbolite products | The method of utilization of agricultural plant waste at the expense of factory production is a concrete example of solving issues not only in the construction industry, but also in the problem of ecology and environmental protection. | Analysis of methods of preparation of plant waste of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan-rice husk and straw, reeds, etc. types in the production of arbolit. Study of the characteristics of plant organic agricultural waste in Kazakhstan. | Building materials and products | Uderbaev Saken Seitkanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Experience 26 years | 87057225212, | 1. Saktaganova Nargul Amanovna Doctor (PhD) 20 years old, 2. Zhakipova Gurnur Mukhamedzhankyzy 8 years old, 3. Zhanatuly Saken, doctoral student. work experience of 7 years. | no |