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Modification of polymer cable insulation in a protective atmosphere on the ELV-4 electron accelerator

Project number AP15573707
Name of the project Modification of polymer cable insulation in a protective atmosphere on the ELV-4 electron accelerator
Applicant JSC “Park of Nuclear Technologies”
Grantee “BetaIzol” LLP
Private Partner “Kazelectromash” LLP
Implementation period 2022-2024
Place of sale (city/region) Abay region
Industry Oil and gas and chemical industry
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Introduction of advanced technology of radiation crosslinking of polymer compounds in a protective atmosphere used for the production of cable and wire products in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Description We propose a new method of modification of polymer cable insulation for the production of oil-submersible and photovoltaic cables with high performance characteristics.
The project is aimed at import substitution, the creation of domestic high-tech products and new jobs.
According to the assessment of manufacturers and experts in the field of cable and wire products in the markets of the EAEU member states in recent years, there has been a tendency to a decline in the quality of manufactured and consumed cable and wire products. Among the main reasons for the emergence of this trend, experts note the desire of both consumers and manufacturers to achieve maximum savings when achieving their goals within the framework of their projects.
List of products sold with prices Oil-submersible cable:                      KFEPs 1*4 — 423 147 tenge (per 1 km);
KFEPs 1*6 — 605 983 tenge (per 1 km).
Photovoltaic cable:
KPvBP-130-3,3  3*16 — 7 203 545 tenge (per 1 km);
KPvBP-130-4 3*16 — 7 443 495 tenge (per 1 km);
KPvBP-130-3,3 3*25 — 9 815 191tenge (per 1 km);
KPvBP-130-4 3*25 — 9 981 017tenge (per 1 km).
Project team (full name) Project Manager: Nurkassimov Azat Kanatovich
Specialist in commercialization: Raspopina Alexandra Vitalievna
Chief engineer of the project: Borissenko Alexander Nikolaevich
Technologist: Raspopin Vitaly Leonidovich
Marketer: Ershin Zeynolla Raykhanovich