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Introduction of the technology of joint cultivation of fish and plants into production

Project number DP21681508
name of the project Introduction of the technology of joint cultivation of fish and plants into production
Applicant Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Saken Seifullin
Grantee Sherkhan Murtaza International Taraz Innovation Institute
Private Partner
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Jambyl Region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status implemented
Objective of the project Introduction of the technology of joint cultivation of valuable fish and plant species into production
Project Description As a result of scientific and technical activities, a technology for the joint cultivation of fish and plants was developed. This technology makes it possible to grow valuable fish species using a phytofilter, a component of a closed–circuit water supply installation for growing plant products. This technology will allow not only to supply high-quality fish products to the market, but also to provide aquaponics plant products, which are considered organic in European countries.
Website on development
List of products sold with prices Live portioned trout – 2400 tenge/kg. Undergrown juveniles – 80 tenge/pcs. Leaf salad – 600 tenge/kg.
Project team (full name) Arystangalieva Venera Adilovna, Kuanchaleev Zhaksygali Batyrgaleevich, Musin Suyundyk Yerlanovich, Hasanov Ramazan Suleymanovich, Andreeva Gulnara Muratbekovna