Project number | DP21682074 |
name of the project | Development of technology for the production of solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbent |
Applicant | International of Engineering and Technological University |
Grantee | Internatinal Trade Patners |
Private Partner | Internatinal Trade Patners |
Implementation period | 2023-2025 |
Place of sale (city/region) | Almaty |
Industry | Health care |
Implementation status | In the implementation |
Objective of the project | Production and sale of the following products: 1) sea buckthorn solid oil “Hyperoil” (Hyperoil) is a biologically active food additive (BAS), 2) enterosorbent “Hypersorb” (Hypersorb) is a biologically active food additive. |
Project Description | The project is aimed at the production and sale of the following products: 1) sea buckthorn solid oil “Hyperoil” (Hyperoil) is a biologically active food additive, 2) enterosorbent “Hypersorb” (Hypersorb) is a biologically active food additive. The developed products sea buckthorn oil “Hyperoil” and enterosorbent “Hypersorb” are designed to solve the following human health problems: the presence of “Chronic fatigue syndrome”; lack of daily intake of vitamins; frequent cases of tuberculosis, hepatitis B, C, oncological diseases, since sea buckthorn solid oil and enterosorbent actively inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms (mycobacterium tuberculosis) and viruses (hepatitis B, C); sea buckthorn concentrate is rich in useful substances, vitamins A, C and an extensive composition of trace elements, has a high regenerative ability. |
Website | |
List of products sold with prices | 1) Solid sea buckthorn oil – 4,900 tg per 100 g 2) Enterosorbent – 2,500 per 100 g |
Project team (full name) | Maytanova Rashida Anvarbekovna Bekzhanov Suleimen Bolatovich Abuova Altynai Burkhatovna Kolokolnikova Galina Kuzminichna Kentbaev Yeran Zhunusovich Bakytkyzy Balzhan |