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Development of technology for the production of solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbent

Project number DP21682074
name of the project Development of technology for the production of solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbent
Applicant International of Engineering and Technological University
Grantee Internatinal Trade Patners
Private Partner Internatinal Trade Patners
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Almaty
Industry Health care
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project Production and sale of the following products: 1) sea buckthorn solid oil “Hyperoil” (Hyperoil) is a biologically active food additive (BAS), 2) enterosorbent “Hypersorb” (Hypersorb) is a biologically active food additive.
Project Description The project is aimed at the production and sale of the following products: 1) sea buckthorn solid oil “Hyperoil” (Hyperoil) is a biologically active food additive, 2) enterosorbent “Hypersorb” (Hypersorb) is a biologically active food additive. The developed products sea buckthorn oil “Hyperoil” and enterosorbent “Hypersorb” are designed to solve the following human health problems: the presence of “Chronic fatigue syndrome”; lack of daily intake of vitamins; frequent cases of tuberculosis, hepatitis B, C, oncological diseases, since sea buckthorn solid oil and enterosorbent actively inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms (mycobacterium tuberculosis) and viruses (hepatitis B, C); sea buckthorn concentrate is rich in useful substances, vitamins A, C and an extensive composition of trace elements, has a high regenerative ability.
List of products sold with prices 1) Solid sea buckthorn oil – 4,900 tg per 100 g
2) Enterosorbent – 2,500 per 100 g
Project team (full name) Maytanova Rashida Anvarbekovna
Bekzhanov Suleimen Bolatovich
Abuova Altynai Burkhatovna
Kolokolnikova Galina Kuzminichna
Kentbaev Yeran Zhunusovich
Bakytkyzy Balzhan