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Development of manufacturing technology for electric furnace converters for the metallurgical industry and introduction into production for the purpose of commercialization

Project number AP15573856
Name of the project Development of manufacturing technology for electric furnace converters for the metallurgical industry and introduction into production for the purpose of commercialization
Applicant TOO “Trenco R&D
Grantee TOO “Asia Trafo”
Private Partner
Implementation period 2022-2024
Place of sale (city/region) Shymkent
Industry Machine-building
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Carrying out a number of measures for the design and manufacture of an electric furnace converter, which ensures high electrodynamic stability during the operation of the furnace installation in short circuit mode and sharply variable load, as a result, the goal of increasing the reliability and increasing the service life of the equipment, as well as its further commercialization, will be achieved
Project Description Development of a technology that allows the manufacture of an electric furnace converter and its introduction into production. The novelty of the work lies in the creation of the theoretical foundations and practical implementation of highly reliable electric furnace converters that can work stably in the harsh operating conditions of steel-smelting furnace units at metallurgical plants, as well as its further commercialization.
Website in the process of development
List of products sold with prices Electric furnace Converter.
1 unit production is approximately 170 million tenge. Profit plan for the next 5 years, approximately 1.3 billion tenge
Project team (full name) Ateev Dauirbek
Asanov Omar
Tazhibay Dina
Beisebay Nurkhat
Saukhan Zhandos.