Project number | DP21681834 |
name of the project | Development of a decision support system “Human Recovery” for a rehabilitation physician using AI |
Applicant | SanaMed LLP |
Grantee | SanaMed LLP |
Private Partner | – |
Implementation period | 2023-2025 |
Place of sale (city/region) | Astana |
Industry | Digitalization |
Implementation status | In the implementation |
Objective of the project | “To develop a predictive model for a medical decision support system. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: – to consider the general characteristics of modeling and management decision support; – to characterize medical decision support systems as medical technologies; – to study the main stages of the life cycle of decision support systems in medicine; – to create a predictive model for a medical decision support system.” |
Project Description | 1. Integration of artificial intelligence: The system will use advanced artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms such as machine learning, deep learning and neural networks to analyze medical data and make recommendations. 2. Personalized approach: The system will strive to provide personalized recommendations for each patient, taking into account their unique characteristics, medical history, physiological parameters, etc. 3. Integration of multiple data: The system will combine and analyze various types of medical data, including clinical data, images, signals and test results. 4. Integration into clinical practice. 5. Feedback and training: The system will continuously learn and develop based on feedback from rehabilitation doctors and the results of patient rehabilitation. |
Website | In developing |
List of products sold with prices | Human Recovery decision support system for a rehabilitologist using AI (access point 8000 tenge). |
Project team (full name) | Murzakhmetova Ainur Aidarbekovna Khamitova Gulnara Kokkonovna Murzakhmetov Nariman Murzakhmetovich Khamitov Yerkyn Kokkonjvich Zakenova Zhanerke Rfzybekovna |