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Development of a decision support system “Human Recovery” for a rehabilitation physician using AI

Project number DP21681834
name of the project Development of a decision support system “Human Recovery” for a rehabilitation physician using AI
Applicant SanaMed LLP
Grantee SanaMed LLP
Private Partner
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Astana
Industry Digitalization
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project “To develop a predictive model for a medical decision support system. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: – to consider the general characteristics of modeling and management decision support; – to characterize medical decision support systems as medical technologies; – to study the main stages of the life cycle of decision support systems in medicine; – to create a predictive model for a medical decision support system.”
Project Description 1. Integration of artificial intelligence: The system will use advanced artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms such as machine learning, deep learning and neural networks to analyze medical data and make recommendations.
2. Personalized approach: The system will strive to provide personalized recommendations for each patient, taking into account their unique characteristics, medical history, physiological parameters, etc.
3. Integration of multiple data: The system will combine and analyze various types of medical data, including clinical data, images, signals and test results.
4. Integration into clinical practice.
5. Feedback and training: The system will continuously learn and develop based on feedback from rehabilitation doctors and the results of patient rehabilitation.
Website In developing
List of products sold with prices Human Recovery decision support system for a rehabilitologist using AI (access point 8000 tenge).
Project team (full name) Murzakhmetova Ainur Aidarbekovna
Khamitova Gulnara Kokkonovna
Murzakhmetov Nariman Murzakhmetovich
Khamitov Yerkyn Kokkonjvich
Zakenova Zhanerke Rfzybekovna