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Development and organization of industrial production of the vaccine “EQUIRHIN” against equine rhinopneumonia according to GMP standards

Project number DP21681647
name of the project Development and organization of industrial production of the vaccine “EQUIRHIN” against equine rhinopneumonia according to GMP standards
Applicant Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью “Научно-производственное предприятие “Антиген”
Grantee Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью “Научно-производственное предприятие “Антиген”
Private Partner
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Almaty Region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status implemented
Objective of the project Development and organization of industrial production of EQUIRHIN vaccine against equine rhinopneumonia according to GMP standards, with the introduction of innovative Tide Motion cultivation technology.
Project Description Motion cultivation, which contributes to the creation of conditions as close as possible to the natural conditions of reproduction of the virus in the body of animals. The Tide Motion cultivation technology will effectively and stably preserve the properties of the equine rhinopneumonia virus thanks to a soft and authentic reproduction process. Also, the Tide Motion cultivation technology will allow producing large volumes of vaccine productively and economically.
Mathematical models of the kinetics of accumulation of EHV-1 and EHV-4 strains will be developed using Tide Motion cultivation technology, which will allow determining limiting and stimulating growth factors that take into account the influence of external and internal elements of cultivation. Mathematical modeling will make it possible to apply modern analytical methods in the conditions of industrial biotechnological production
List of products sold with prices “EQUIRHIN® vaccine” bivalent against horse rhinopneumonia” Estimated cost – 547.60 tenge, final realized price – 1050.00 tenge
Project team (full name) Akhmetsadykov Nurlan Nuroldinovich
Ibrayev Bakhytzhan Niyazovich
Danilkova Anar Tanibergenovna
Karamendin Kobey Omertaevich
Kydyrmanov Aidyn Isagalievich
Akhmetzhanova Moldyr Nurlanovna