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Development and implementation promising assortment of ornamental plants in the practice of green building in arid conditions of Mangystau desert

Project number AP15573615
Name of the project Development and implementation promising assortment of ornamental plants in the practice of green building in arid conditions of Mangystau desert
Applicant RSE “Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden” SC MHES RK
Grantee RSE “Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden” SC MHES RK
Private Partner not provided
Implementation period  2022-2024
Place of sale (city/region) Mangistau oblast
Industry Other sectors of the economy stipulated by the state program documents
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Commercialization of developed in Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden assortment of ornamental and biologically stable tree and shrub
and flower and ornamental plants in the practice of landscaping in arid conditions of Mangystau
Project Description The result of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity proposed for commercialization is a scientifically validated range of ornamental plants, including 407 species, varieties and forms, which are planned to reproduce on a production scale at the nursery of MEBG, to solve the problem of supplying landscaping organizations Mangystau region adapted and high-quality planting material of local
List of products sold with prices Coniferous trees – 11958 tenge. Deciduous trees – 2973 tenge. Beautiful flowering shrubs – 2415 tg. Shrubs for hedges – 2230 tg. Climbing plants – 2350 tenge. Varietal roses – 2300 tg. Flower plants – 573 tg.
Project team (full name) Sagyndykova Meruert
Belozerov Ivan
Myltykova Rahat
Umirbayeva Farizat
Metrics sales: 26 656 282 tenge;
exports: –  tenge;
taxes: 379 074 tenge;
royalty: – tenge;
number of jobs: 5