Project number | DP21681725 |
name of the project | Creation of a specialized farm reproducer of new genotypes of highly productive dairy camels. |
Applicant | “Southwestern Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Crop Production” LLP |
Grantee | “Botham 2023” LLP |
Private Partner | “Karagantubek” LLP |
Implementation period | 2023-2025 |
Place of sale (city/region) | Mangystau Region |
Industry | Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials |
Implementation status | In the implementation |
Objective of the project | Commercialization of a selection achievement – new genotypes of highly productive dairy breeds of camels |
Project Description | Creation of a specialized farm for breeding and selling 4 new genotypes of highly productive dairy camel breeds obtained as a result of breeding achievements: 1) the Bistrangyl factory type of Arvan camels; 2) the Aral factory type of camels of the Kazakh Bactrian breed; 3) the camel line of the manufacturer “Kirpik” of the Kazakh Dromedary breed; 4) the camel line of the manufacturer “Akmonshak” of the Kazakh Bactrian breed. The product is marketed as pasteurized camel milk, with a fat content of 2.5%. |
Website | In development. |
List of products sold with prices | 1. Camels (a new bred genotype with a high milk yield) 1,200,000 tenge per unit; 2. Pasteurized camel milk – 2,000 tenge/liter. |
Project team (full name) | Iskalieva Aigul Greb Liliya Beisebekova Аida Тurakbayeva Lyazzat |