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Creation of a specialized farm reproducer of new genotypes of highly productive dairy camels.

Project number DP21681725
name of the project Creation of a specialized farm reproducer of new genotypes of highly productive dairy camels.
Applicant “Southwestern Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Crop Production” LLP
Grantee “Botham 2023” LLP
Private Partner “Karagantubek” LLP
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Mangystau Region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project Commercialization of a selection achievement – new genotypes of highly productive dairy breeds of camels
Project Description Creation of a specialized farm for breeding and selling 4 new genotypes of highly productive dairy camel breeds obtained as a result of breeding achievements:
1) the Bistrangyl factory type of Arvan camels;
2) the Aral factory type of camels of the Kazakh Bactrian breed;
3) the camel line of the manufacturer “Kirpik” of the Kazakh Dromedary breed;
4) the camel line of the manufacturer “Akmonshak” of the Kazakh Bactrian breed. The product is marketed as pasteurized camel milk, with a fat content of 2.5%.
Website In development.
List of products sold with prices 1. Camels (a new bred genotype with a high milk yield) 1,200,000 tenge per unit;                                                      2. Pasteurized camel milk – 2,000 tenge/liter.
Project team (full name) Iskalieva Aigul                                                                                        Greb Liliya                                                                          Beisebekova Аida                                                                                                                                     Тurakbayeva Lyazzat