Project number | DP21681556 |
name of the project | Commercialization of the technology for the production of composite filter materials for the purification of water objects |
Applicant | Non-profit joint-stock company “East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov” |
Grantee | Non-profit joint-stock company “East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov” |
Private Partner | Bolashak Energy Group LLP |
Implementation period | 2023-2025 |
Place of sale (city/region) | East Kazakhstan Region |
Industry | Ecology |
Implementation status | In the implementation |
Objective of the project | establishment of production technology and commercialization of filter systems based on carbon materials modified with graphene oxide, biopolymers and zirconium oxide and production of housings for water purification |
Project Description | production of a new filter composite sorbent based on carbon materials modified with graphene oxide, biopolymers and zirconium oxide (with assembly into a cartridge and production of housings). |
Website | in development |
List of products sold with prices | Composite filter for water purification – 35 000 tenge |
Project team (full name) | Abilyev Madi Baltabaevich Amrenova Dinara Mukhamedovna Zhilkashinova Almira Mikhailovna Kuanyshbekov Tilek Kuanyshbekuly Talanov Vladimir Sergeyevich Tolepov Zhandos Kairmaganbetovich |