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Commercialization of the innovative autonomous irrigation system “Advanced Surge Irrigation System”

Project number DP21681786
name of the project Commercialization of the innovative autonomous irrigation system “Advanced Surge Irrigation System”
Applicant “Scientific and Production Center “XYZ”
Grantee “Smart Agro” farm
Private Partner “Smart Agro” farm
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Zhetysu Region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project Organizing the assembly of an innovative autonomous irrigation system and organizing the sale of an irrigation system
Project Description Irrigation systems and methods. Organizing the assembly of an innovative autonomous irrigation system and organizing the sale of an irrigation system
Website in development
List of products sold with prices The price of an irrigation system depends on the irrigation area. For 1 ha -250 US dollars
Project team (full name) Medeubekov Diyar Nurlanovich
Martynyuk Vadim Alexandrovich
Martynyuk Ekaterina Andreevna
Abdikhan Akmaral Maratkyzy