Project number | DP21681786 |
name of the project | Commercialization of the innovative autonomous irrigation system “Advanced Surge Irrigation System” |
Applicant | “Scientific and Production Center “XYZ” |
Grantee | “Smart Agro” farm |
Private Partner | “Smart Agro” farm |
Implementation period | 2023-2025 |
Place of sale (city/region) | Zhetysu Region |
Industry | Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials |
Implementation status | In the implementation |
Objective of the project | Organizing the assembly of an innovative autonomous irrigation system and organizing the sale of an irrigation system |
Project Description | Irrigation systems and methods. Organizing the assembly of an innovative autonomous irrigation system and organizing the sale of an irrigation system |
Website | in development |
List of products sold with prices | The price of an irrigation system depends on the irrigation area. For 1 ha -250 US dollars |
Project team (full name) | Medeubekov Diyar Nurlanovich Martynyuk Vadim Alexandrovich Martynyuk Ekaterina Andreevna Abdikhan Akmaral Maratkyzy |