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Automation of the technological process of biological treatment of oil-contaminated soil

Project number DP21681865
Name of the project Automation of the technological process of biological treatment of oil-contaminated soil
Applicant PV “Green Technology Hub Limited”
Grantee  “SmartEcoField LTD” LLP
Private Partner  “АСТ МУНАЙ СЕРВИС” LLP
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Astana
Industry Digitalization
Implementation status in the implementation
Objective of the project Development of an automated control system for the technological process of biological treatment of oil-contaminated soils
Project Description In the process of project implementation, a mobile complex of an automated control system for biological treatment of oil-contaminated soil is being developed
List of products sold with prices The service is a technological process of biological purification of oil-contaminated soil using the SmartEcoField platform. The cost of the service using the SmartEcoField platform starts from 3,000 tenge. up to 30,000 tenge per ton, depending on the regions, the cost of transportation services, etc.
Project team (full name) Zhangulov Asylbek Aspandiyarovich Dautbaev Batyrbek Altayevich Zhanybekkyzy Meruert Dzhumadieva Togzhan Bekezhanovna Aituganov Kanat Abshekenovich Abdosova Albina Gomarovna