Founders: Abulkhair Taskhairovich Mambetov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Director of the KazNAIU Forest Research and Innovation Institute, Galina Kuzminichna Kolokolnikova, +77471781945
Project name: Solid sea buckthorn oil “Hyperoil”.
Project description: Production of “Solid sea buckthorn oil”.
Competitive advantage: Solid sea buckthorn oil has no close analogues in the world, the closest competitor “sea buckthorn liquid oil” is not a concentrate, which means that the available market volume can be estimated at 80%.
Commercial proposal:
Joint participation in the competition for grant financing of RNNTD commercialization projects on co-financing terms.
The introduction of technology on the terms of up to 40% of the share of excess profits.
Conclusion of a license agreement.
The companies most suitable for partnership: Philip Morris International.