Sea buckthorn and rosehip solid oil

Name of the scientific organizationName of the research projectName of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercializeScientific novelty of researchDegree of research noveltyBranchFull name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisorContactsProject TeamWhat commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization?
IP “Kamenger T”Within the framework of the Republican Target scientific and technical program “Development and introduction of phytopreparations into domestic production and provision of domestic medicines to medical institutions and the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 1997-2001. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 24, 1996, No. 1294, coordinator of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Firm Aquitol” LLP conducted research work on the development of using an innovative technology for obtaining concentrated oils and enterosorbents from rosehip and sea buckthorn fruits, highly concentrated medicines of 6 names, which have no close analogues in world practice, were obtained from elite varieties of rosehip and sea buckthorn. Program code 07. Code of subprogram 0,05. “Development of medicines from sea buckthorn and rosehip obtained using the original and waste-free technology AK-3816700″1. State Registration No. 0197RK00260. JSC NATR of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2014-2015 financed the project “Organization of mini-production of solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbent” with the mandatory condition of creating a new LLP and renaming the products of solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbents.Modernization of pilot plants and auxiliary equipment for the creation of automated industrial production with the prospect of increasing production volumes to 1.5 thousand tons of raw materials per year for the production of sea buckthorn, rosehip and enterosorbents solid oils.An original technology for obtaining solid oils and enterosorbents from sea buckthorn and rosehip has been developed. Industrial regulations have been developed, original extraction units for solid oils and enterosorbents have been designed and manufactured, and pilot production with a raw material volume of up to 100 tons per year has been organized. Technical specifications for sea buckthorn solid oil and enterosorbents from rosehip and sea buckthorn fruits have been developed and registered.The resulting products-Solid sea buckthorn oil and enterosorbent from sea buckthorn and rosehip fruits-do not have close analogues, with high rates of therapeutic effect in comparison with domestic and foreign analogues.Pharmaceutical and food industries.Kurmangali Bolat Serikovich, Patent Attorney of the Republic of Kazakhstan, intellectual property appraiser, President of the Association of Intellectual Property Owners (AVIS), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the MAI accredited in the United Nations, 8 years of experience as a scientific supervisor on this number: +7 707 975 88 88; E-mail: cci_ip@mail.ru1. Kurmangali B. S.-project manager; 2. Kolokolnikova G. K., General Director of “IRIfarm” LLP, process engineer, work experience of 32 years; 3. Praliev K., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Medicinal Substances of JSC “IRIfarm”.Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov”, organic chemist, experience – 40 years; 4. Akhmetova G. S. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Medicinal Substances substances, JSC “Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov”, organic chemist, experience-30 years 5. Mambetov B. T., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Director of the Scientific Innovative Forestry Institute of KazNAIU, experience -35 years; 6. Utebekova A. D., PhD, beginning of the project. Department of Technology Commercialization of KAZ NAIU, experience-3 years; 7. Kaidarova M, financial project manager, work experience-12 years; 8. Lavrov V. N., chief accountant, economist, accounting and audit, work experience-20 years engineer; 9. Kolokolnikov K. A., project manager, work experience – 12 years 10. Kusherbayeva A.M., Director of the Altynai Design Bureau, process engineer, work experience-25 years; 11. Kentbaev E. Zh., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences of KazNAIU, Professor of the Department of Forest Resources, experience-30 years; 12.Nabieva A.M., engineer of JSC “Institute of Chemical Sciences named after V. I. Abramovich.Bekturova”, biotechnologist, Master of Natural Sciences, experience-2 years.Saturation of the domestic market with affordable and high-quality herbal medicine. As well, the Project implementation will allow you to get the following benefits:: – infrastructure for the production of pharmaceutical products in the Almaty region;
– products, enterosorbents, sea buckthorn oil, cosmetics, herbal teas that are competitive not only in the market of Kazakhstan, but also abroad;
– export of products to foreign markets;
– new high-paying jobs in the form of pharmacists, engineers and technologists directly involved in the production of products;
– increase in budget revenues in the form of taxes;
– attracting investment in domestic medicine and pharmaceuticals;
– reducing dependence on the supply of products from abroad. Increase tax revenues to the budget and provide new jobs.