Name of the scientific organization | Name of the research project | Name of the developed technology, product, or service that you plan to commercialize | Scientific novelty of research | Degree of research novelty | Branch | Full name, position, academic degree, qualification and work experience of the project supervisor | Contacts | Project Team | What commercial and consumer problems will be solved as a result of the project’s commercialization? |
Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production | Creation of highly productive, high-quality varieties of winter wheat and triticale that are adaptive to various ecozones, resistant to diseases, using methods of classical breeding and applied biology (State Registration No. 0115RK02302) | Seed production technology for new varieties of winter wheat | For the first time in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, new domestic varieties of winter wheat have been created, adapted to various ecological zones of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries. | Improvement of consumer characteristics in comparison with world and domestic analogues, reduction of production costs | Agricultural industry | Rsaliev Shynbolat Syr’ashovich, Head of the Department of grain and forage crops, Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialist in breeding and seed production, plant protection, work experience of 36 years. | 8 701 174 17 17, | Рсалиев Ш.С., Уразалиев Р.А., Куттымбетова Н.Т., Мелдешов А.Б., Әбуғали Ғ., Абдикадырова А.К., Турсынали М. | The yield of wheat increases, the quality indicators of grain and bread increase. |