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Production of quick-frozen potato products using innovative potato processing technology

Project number DP21682146
name of the project Production of quick-frozen potato products using innovative potato processing technology
Applicant Syzdzkov Almaz Zhaksybekovich
Grantee «Frost food» Ltd
Private Partner «Frost food» Ltd
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Astana
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status in implementation
Objective of the project Creation of production for the production of quick-frozen potato products with a high share of added value and having high demand in the market.
Project Description The project provides for the creation of a production facility for quick-frozen potato products using innovative potato processing technology
Website In developing
List of products sold with prices frozen french fries, price per 1 kg – 700 tenge
Project team (full name) Mukhamedieva Asel Maratovna
Yessenbaeva Aliya Martbekovna
Sadvokasova Aigul Bolatovna
Erubaev Azamat Maratovich