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Commercialization of technology for processing fruit raw materials into long-term storage products with detoxifying properties

Project number DP21681972
name of the project Commercialization of technology for processing fruit raw materials into long-term storage products with detoxifying properties
Applicant JSC “Almaty Technological University”
Grantee Agricultural Production Cooperative “TULKIBAS ZHEMIS-ZHIDEKTERI”
Private Partner Private Partner №1 –  APC “TULKIBAS ZHEMIS-ZHIDEKTERI”                                                                         Private Partner №2 –  PF “KOKTAL”
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Turkestan Region
Industry Agro-industrial complex and processing of agricultural raw materials
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project The aim of the project is to commercialize the results of the research work ” Research on the safety and chemical analysis of plant raw materials and products with detoxification properties” for the production of high quality, export-oriented, competitive long-term storage products from fruit raw materials.
Project Description During the implementation of the Project, technologies for the production of concentrated juices, powder from pomace of processed fruit raw materials, developed during the implementation of research, will be used as a waste-free technology.
Website In developing
List of products sold with prices Concentrated apple juice, natural antioxidant, 418 tenge per liter; Apple fiber -326 tenge per kg; Mix of dried fruits mix compote – 557 tenge per kg.
Project team (full name) Tolesh Serik Askaruly                           Zhaksygeldinov Erzhan Amangeldinovich  Kizatova Maygul Zhalelovna                            Azimova Sanavar Tuglukovna                   Tlevlessova Dinara Abaevna                        Bukharbekova Asel Kalimkhanovna