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Сommercialization of software package for digital forecasting and testing in the Zhezkazgan region with allocation of prospective gold areas

Project number DP21681746
name of the project Сommercialization of software package for digital forecasting and testing in the Zhezkazgan region with allocation of prospective gold areas
Applicant Public Association “International Academy of Informatization”
Grantee Public Association “International Academy of Informatization”
Private Partner LLP “DAR SK”
Implementation period 2023-2025
Place of sale (city/region) Almaty
Industry Geological prospecting and extraction of natural resources
Implementation status In the implementation
Objective of the project The purpose of the scientific project includes the development and modernization of the Elan software package for collecting technological systems for digital forecasting of minerals and carrying out forecasting work in the South Karsakpai area with the identification of promising areas for further prospecting and assessment work.
Project Description This project is aimed at the development and implementation of a software package capable of providing accurate and effective forecasts for mineral finds in the geological industry. The project provides for two stages of predictive work using phase geochemistry methods on the Yuzhno-Karsakpayskaya Square, promising for gold mineralization. The main result of the scientific and technical activity of the project is the development of a set of programs capable of flexibly collecting mineral forecasting schemes and allocating promising areas on Zhezkazgan Square for prospecting and evaluation work for gold.
For the commercialization of the project, it is planned to organize the production and sale of licenses for the use of software. It is expected that the project will bring profit from the sale of licenses, strengthen the company’s position in the market and increase its competitiveness.
This project has great potential to improve the process of forecasting and prospecting for gold deposits, as well as ensuring the efficient use of resources and making informed decisions in the geological industry.
List of products sold with prices  PC ELAN licenses. 7000 000 tenge
Project team (full name) Los Vladimir Lvovich
Merenchuk Natalya Alekseevna
Mamesh Daryn Abdimashuly
Aknmedov Daulet Shafigulovich
Murzadilov Tulegen Djanybekovich
Legonkin Vitaliy Sergeevich